The police have released Mr Abdulmumuni Danga, Kogi State Commissioner for Water Resources, who assaulted and raped a lady over a Facebook post after pressure from Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi. The police would however, be charging Danga to court within three weeks. Danga was interrogated at the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gender Unit, Force Intelligence Bureau, FCID, Abuja. He wrote a statement after intense persuasion from the police. A source within the police confirmed to the press that Governor Bello pressured the police to ensure the commissioner does not spend the night at the police station. After about four hours at the FCID, the police released Danga, allowing him to walk freely out of the station without assurance of him returning when summoned, a source at the police FCID told the press. “After interrogation, the police allowed him to go. He was pestered to write a statement. The statement would be added to the evidence that has been collected and he would...