Check out what this man is doing to himself just to look muscular (PHOTOS)

A Russian man has been bragging about his Popeye-like arms after injecting himself with a dangerous chemicals to make them appear bigger.
Pumped up: Synthol, which Mr Tewreshin injects regularly, is made up of 85 per cent oil, 7.5 per cent lidocaine, and 7.5 per cent alcoholGrotesque: Kirill Tereshin has achieved bulging muscles by injecting himself with synthol
Kirill Tereshin, 21, from the city of Pyatigorsk in south western Russia's Stavrolol Krai region, has been sharing pictures of his bizarre body shape on social media.
His 24in biceps are not the result of hours in the gym and guzzling protein shakes, but by injecting site enhancement oil, commonly known as synthol, into his arms.

While Mr Tereshin does work out as well, he says he wants to break bodybuilding records with his enhanced figure.  
Mr Tereshin started injecting himself with synthol after leaving the army this summer, increased the size of his biceps by ten inches in just ten days.
He began by injecting 250 ml into his biceps but found that would make them grow by no more than an inch.
Mr Tereshin said: 'In order to reach such a size, you need to inject litres into your arms.
'I was doing it and getting a fever of up to 40 degrees, I was lying in bed, feeling like I was dying, but then it all turned out fine.'
Huge: The 21-year-old started by injecting a smaller amount - 250ml - but has continued to add to his bulging arms with regular oil injections
He added that his body weight had increased from 9st 11lbs to 10st 10lbs since he started the injections. 
However, while the oil increases the size of Mr Tereshin's arms, it gives him no extra strength as the muscles are not really as developed as they appear.
Disturbing: Mr Tereshin has managed to get to this size in a very short space of time, only starting the injections at the end of the summer


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