Crocodile with a HUMAN CORPSE in its mouth swims to riverbank to drop off body (PHOTOS)

VILLAGERS are convinced a witch doctor summoned a crocodile to return a missing man snatched from a river after it brought the man’s corpse to the bank.
The croc can be seen with the body in its jaws
The 41-year-old, known as Syarifuddin, was bathing with friends when the six-and-a-half foot reptile pounced and dragged him beneath the water in Berau, Indonesia, on Tuesday.
Desperate relatives and police searching for him he assumed he had been eaten after he disappeared in the Lempake river.
Locals believe the predator was summoned by a witch doctor
But then villagers reportedly contacted a local specialising in crocodile witchcraft who cast a spell for Syarifuddin to be brought back.

Incredibly, the crocodile is said to have emerged yesterday morning with Syarifuddin’s body clamped between its jaws.

It then dropped the corpse – with some witnesses suggesting the crocodile had actually been guarding the victim’s body from other predators.

Friend Andi Resmin said: “He was just in the water and the crocodile humped at him and took him.’’
Locals recovered the victim’s body after it was returned by the crocodile
Another local resident, Eet, explained there was a local myth that anyone bathing with clothes on in the river would be fine – but bathing naked would result in a crocodile attack.
He said: ”If the person bathes naked they will be definitely be eaten by crocodiles, for sure. If they wear clothes they will not be ambushed.’’

Police chief Inspector Talisayan Faisal Hamid, who is investigating the incident, said: “The victim’s friends reported to the officer he was attacked by a crocodile. That night we did a search.”

The officer added nothing was returned that evening and so residents contacted a “crocodile charmer” and the body appeared the next morning on Wednesday.

He said: ”It is also very weird that there were three crocodile emerged from the river, such as they were guarding the body, so the body of victim could be delivered.
“It is indeed estuarine crocodiles in the river. And people also bathe in the water, so again, it is unlucky that he was killed by the crocodile.

‘’The victim had been torn on the right ribs. He was found dead.’’

Police Inspector Hamid said the important thing was that the body had been found and that locals were now hunting the crocodile.


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