What a painful way to love! A boy went to extreme lengths and great pain to show how much he loves his girlfriend (who is still in junior secondary school).
Probably due to the unavailability of funds for a tattoo, the crazy-in-love boy went local by injuring himself all in the name of inscribing or "tattooing" the girl's name (Shamsiya) on his hand.
A Russian man has been bragging about his Popeye-like arms after injecting himself with a dangerous chemicals to make them appear bigger. Kirill Tereshin, 21, from the city of Pyatigorsk in south western Russia's Stavrolol Krai region, has been sharing pictures of his bizarre body shape on social media. His 24in biceps are not the result of hours in the gym and guzzling protein shakes, but by injecting site enhancement oil, commonly known as synthol, into his arms.
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