Many people died by drowning just because they don't know this

As the raining season is on us, the risk of traveling on Nigerian roads has exponentially increased, in as much as we pray against accidents, we still will see such and with tales about cars skidding off road or falling over a bridge and into deep waters. 
And with such turn of events, people lose their lives by drowning... 

Many people died by drowning just because they don't know this:

Incase you find yourself underwater, don't panic,
1. Don't waste your energy trying to open the door because it will be a very hard task due to the water pressure around the car.
2. Don't wind down the glass, the force of water entering will not allow you to leave.
3. Take out the head rest from the driver's seat or the front passenger's seat
4. Use the steel hard points and break the back window of the car... In some cars you will see the inscription "kick out glass", at a section of the back glass, in others you may not... But still you the hard steel points to strongly poke and break the glass.

CARS by engineering and design is meant to suspend in water, with the back glass facing the exit point.

This can save your life and that of others.
Please share. 


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